I'll just bet he did

An Israeli hostage describes her surprisingly clear-thinking abuser's worries:
The Times report doesn't offer any more detail about the assult but says that Soussana offered a lot more detail during the 8 hours the paper interviewed her. After it was over, her captor apologized and begged her not to tell Israel about what he had done.


  1. It’s hard to believe that such despicable people could cow a population into letting them rule.

  2. It's a population many of whose members have openly celebrated atrocities committed against Israelis, and against Jews anywhere.

    It's a population that has grown up under terrorist rule since the 1948 Partition.

    It's a population that isn't entirely physically healthy, which unhealthiness clouds judgment.

    It's a population whose information comes largely from the terrorists.

    It's a population a significant fraction of which is individual by individual threatened into compliance, those residences used for weapons caches and for launching facilities.

    It's a population whose "law" enforcement comes strictly from the terrorists.

    It's a population that has observed, empirically, what happens to organized opposition, having witnessed the terrorists toss the PLO out of Gaza at gunpoint.

    Eric Hines

  3. Anonymous6:45 PM

    It’s hard to believe that such despicable University Administrators could stifel and supress a the Students just protest against Zionist genocide - Greg

    Vanderbilt U. Students ‘Occupy’ Chancellor’s Office After Administration Pulls Israel Divestment Question From Student Ballot

    “student-led effort to pass a resolution proposing Vanderbilt Student Government adopt boycott, divestment and sanctions tactics did not move forward because of potential conflict with federal and state laws”


  4. Off topic, and it’s not plausibly a genocide. However, I promised Tex she could police her own posts’ comments section, so I won’t mark it spam.

  5. A strange societal trend has led some to conclude that trespass and physical intimidation is protected speech, while actual speech is tantamount to violence. No breaking up of a sit-in is going to upset me, whether or not the intended message is stupid or evil. I'll save my outrage for mobs that shut down civil lectures by speakers invited to public venues.

  6. No breaking up of a sit-in is going to upset me....

    What upsets me about sit-ins is not their being broken up, but the cowardice of school administrators who are too timid simply to ignore the sit-in and carry on as if the sit-in weren't there, or too timid to break up, and expel the participants of the sit-in, when it can't be ignored and it's lasted far longer than necessary to make the participants' point, and so simply become disruptive for its own sake and interfering with others' rights to carry on.

    That's been an irritant for me since I was in college and sit-ins were just getting under way.

    Eric Hines

  7. Gringo3:48 PM

    What upsets me about sit-ins is not their being broken up, but the cowardice of school administrators who are too timid simply to ignore the sit-in and carry on as if the sit-in weren't there,

    Some universities have informed sit-inners that if they remain beyond office hours, they will be arrested.
