Who Thought They'd Get as far as Lincoln?

The Great Emancipator's statue is now on the chopping block.


  1. Idiots! Stupidly, ignorant, idiots!


  2. Reading that article made my head hurt. What a crock of shit.

  3. FWIW, almost nobody participates in student government elections: I estimate about 1.4% voted in the last one.
    If the frats wanted to, they could probably put their own people in, but AFAIK the only ones who pay any mind, let alone participate, are the radicals. And, for a representative to justify one's (*) existence, one must find more and more obscure grievances. It's too hard to try to make positive contributions.

    (*) No clue about pronouns here.

  4. Who would have thought Lincoln's honors would be challenged? Well, related question, why would anyone think he would escape challenge?

    US cultural Wild West myth embraces the idea that the unknown kid aspiring gun-slinger will inevitably try to make his reputation by challenging an already famed, much older, peer.
    A living peer can and will defend himself. It's harder for a person of history, or myth.

    Of myths, we must respect Western movies: The Man who Shot Liberty Valence... (wherein it's revealed the titular "Man" was truly John Wayne as a sniper with a rifle from the shadows taking down pistol-waving Lee Marvin by surprise and from behind). The lesson being one may [1] become the hero by identifying and bagging a villain and [2] cheat if the villain can't be "bagged" otherwise and [3] when one can't identify a true villain, a myth will do just as well. A mythical racist Lincoln will, today, draw challenges to his "rep", very very predictably.

  5. Well, they are trying to destroy our civilization, so of course they would come for Lincoln. While J's explanation could be part of the emotion of it, I think their Marxist roots are the basic reason. Every potential rallying point for national sentiment must be brought under the boot. The public arguments come after the goal setting, not before.

  6. Anonymous5:00 PM

    What's morbidly amusing is that some on the "right" (wherever that is) would agree with dethroning Lincoln, but for very different reasons. They blame him for setting the precedent that the federal government can suspend civil liberties, and his expansion of the federal government (although not to the extent that T.R., Wilson, and F.D.R. did.)


  7. Well, that was a few years ago (2020), I don't know if they succeeded, but of course they tried. So far as I know it was not removed, at least I can't find any reports that it was.
