The Feast of the Epiphany

Today is the final day of the Christmas feast, at least the twelve-day feast of historic fame. It marks the revelation of the Christ to the Magi, and thus symbolically to the whole non-Jewish world. 

Pragmatically this is the traditional day to take down Christmas decorations, which occupied much of my afternoon. I also shifted from feasting to fasting (in the worldly sense of those terms) after New Year’s Eve. We are eating a more sensible diet, and as always I’m observing Dry January. Now that the decorations are gone and things are barren for the winter, we can look forward to a cold, dark season — but one that ends in spring and new hope. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Tomorrow the decorations come down here. Epiphany also marks the baptism of Jesus and the first miracle (wedding at Cana). "Three great wonders fell on that day/ A star shone down where the infant lay/ water made wine at Galilee/ and Christ baptized in Jordan," as the song puts it.

