Other people's weather

We barely have weather, compared to you guys. In the last few years, it's true, we've faced freezes every winter that last for days. That has surprised me, because when I was growing up in Houston, which is slightly colder than here, it was nearly unheard of for a freeze to survive much past dawn, let alone all day for several days.

Still, you can't say much about barely-freezing weather a few days a year at most. In this last one, nearly all my greens crops and winter herbs came through unscathed even though I didn't cover them. We had to harvest a lot of green tomatoes. Those bushes, along with the eggplants and peppers, obviously didn't make it.

In the meantime, we're experiencing something more like true winter vicariously through our niece and heir, who met a nice fella, quit her job near San Antonio, sold her house, and hit the road with him. In warm months they live a sort of gypsy life, traveling around in an RV meeting up with friends and family and staying long enough to do some light repair contracting work. In the winter they hang out in a cabin they're building in a remote area of Wisconsin. It seems well dried-in now, and a little larger than last year, and quite cozy. My niece is having the time of her life. The two dogs, Southern flowers, have adapted well.


  1. That's a nice little wood stove they've got. Doubtless the dogs love it.

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    We've had winter temperatures, but not much snow yet. In the early 1980s, several feet over the course of the winter was normal in this part of Texas. I suspect we'll get more soon.


  3. I echo Grim. A wood stove, especially one where you can view the fire, is a great comfort, which we miss sorely at the new house. If you are cold, you can move a little closer.

  4. Gringo1:07 PM

    Some of you may have read the Sippican Cottage blog. He and his wife bought a house in Maine for peanuts, and have spent years in making it more livable. Here is a selection on his efforts on heating his house, House heat is a bit more important in Maine than it is in Texas. searchword “heat” @ Sippican Cottage

    He also has an interesting plumbing series.

  5. Looks lovely, Tex. I do miss snow.
