You’re the Reason I Lash my Tree to the Wall

Yes, you.



  1. Life is more genteel without house animals, frankly.

  2. I wasn’t planning on another house cat ever, but I really like the little monster. I suppose I have passed up opportunities for a more genteel life on a number of fronts. It must not be my major consideration.

  3. That's a good-sized cat. Not that a smaller one can't do just as much damage.

  4. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I put a down-payment on a used cat today. I'm curious to see how he reacts to the Christmas tree, once both cat and tree are installed. He's about 15 pounds and is a good jumper. He's also 10 years old, which might mellow things a little. Perhaps. Maybe.


    PS: the Captcha is motorcycles. How appropriate! :)

  5. Our old cat would climb the tree, but only a little. What was the real problem was he'd spray it, fixed even. Not fun.

  6. When I first read the title of this post, I thought it was going to be about some romantic or torturous Viking practice or poetry.

  7. Yes, exactly. He is one of Freya’s cats.

  8. Gringo4:39 PM

    One Christmas our three-month-old Labrador knocked down the Christmas tree and jumped up to grab the pork roast from the kitchen table. All this within the space of several minutes. She soon discovered such behavior was not approved of.

  9. My son's dog would sell her soul for butter. She will risk anything if you leave it unsupervised for a moment.

  10. That makes sense, then.

  11. I do think it would be funny to name a cat Jörmungandr. Pretending to be unable to pick him up could be a running joke.
