Unprepared for War

One might reasonably ask whether America wants to fight a war on three fronts, or indeed on any fronts if it can be avoided. The author seems to think that there won't be a chance to opt out.
[O]ur moment has thrown up conflicts across the globe: Israel versus Hamas, Russians versus Ukrainians, or Chinese democrats versus the Communist Party. But these disparate battles are in fact part of one whole – a struggle to dominate the future.

The new wider war includes attempts by great powers, notably China, to secure natural resources by securing alliances with authoritarian regimes around the world.... This de-facto alliance, a modern version of the World War Two “pact of steel”, is truly global in scope. It extends from Ukraine to the shutting off of the Red Sea by Yemen’s Houthis, and even Venezuelan plans to conquer much of oil-rich Guyana....

The wider war pits on one side the revanchist powers – China, Russia, Islamist, Latin American and African countries – who feel they have been wronged by the West and liberal capitalism. On the other side are the West and non-European allies like Japan, South Korea and perhaps most importantly Modi-led India.

I wouldn't count too much on India, actually. If that's your 'most important' ally, you're in worse shape even than you think. India has been emphatically non-aligned since their inception, and at this point is closer to Russia. 

The author is right, of course, that the US and the West are failing on all fronts in terms of military readiness. He even identifies them fairly succinctly. How do you fix them, though? The powers are all against it, and some of the problems -- like the collapse of faith in the West among the youth, or the need to rebuild American manufacturing almost from the ground up -- are generational. 


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Stolen elections have consequences.
    Americans don’t want to fight Israel’s wars.
    Let the Jew and his fellow Jews who wrote this article go
    fight the three front war he is pining for.

    As an American, this is not our war


  2. I don't know if the guy is Jewish or not, but he's not wrong about the problem set. (I caution, again, against anything that might be interpreted as Antisemitism, which is unwelcome here.) I don't think young America much wants to fight anyone's wars, even one that was clearly America's, as relatively fewer of them think America itself is worth fighting for.

    And even if they did, who's going to build the ships?

  3. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Don’t be silly,
    Of course he is Jewish.

    Let Israel build its own ships - without USA money

    Let them finance their own Genocidal wars


  4. Anonymous5:51 PM

    When the elections are stolen they are no longer our wars

    If you don’t understand this your dumber than a box of rocks

