The High Feast of Christmas

The storm that blew in last night brought hard winds and rain, and knocked out the power on the mountain. Some poor lineman is doubtless having to spend his Christmas morning out in dreary weather. Here at the Hall there is warmth and fire. I made coffee over living flame. 

Merry Christmas to all!


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    A most blessed and Merry Christmas to all in the Hall! (Raises glass in salute, facing Hall-ward).


  2. Merry Christmas all!
    And raise a glass for the lineman!

    First thing this morning was to light the stove, 38 degrees and 99 percent humidity.

    Raise a glass to the long departed who tamed fire!

  3. To the hearty lineman! Power has been restored to the mountain thanks to his efforts.
