Restoration and new life

Notre Dame de Paris may be fully repaired by next Christmas. The rooster weathervane atop the destroyed spire was heavily damaged during the fire and is being replaced by a new device that is something of a cross between a rooster and a phoenix. Here are the original rooster, before and after the damage, and the new bird:


  1. Here's to Notre Dame, de Paris and otherwise.

  2. Call me excessively traditionalist, but I'd rather the original rooster weathervane been repaired or replaced with a close model of that original.

    Still and all, it's good to see the cathedral coming back on line by next Christmas, if they're able to stick to that schedule. That would be the original commitment of 5 years that Macron made in the aftermath of the fire.

    Eric Hines

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    The new one looks a bit like an Indonesian Garuda. It's not unattractive, but I too prefer the more traditional rooster.


  4. I too would have preferred an exact replica if the original could not be fixed; but these days I am grateful just that they didn’t put a statue of Ba’al up instead.

  5. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Jesus said to him: Amen I say to thee, that in this night before the cock crow, thou wilt deny me thrice.
    [Matthew 26:34]

    You can not even recognize the new bird as a rooster or that it is crowing therefore a massive fail at teaching the Gosple.

    Their idea of Build back better means with out Christ as much ad possible.

    That’s why the they destroy and obscure the real meaning of the original artwork


  6. Agree with the critiques here. And gold gilt, as an idol would be.
