A Chicken-Killing Day

My wife’s chicken population was reduced by two this afternoon, as she has finally conceded the necessity of eating some of the monsters. Whilst she thought of them as sort-of pets they were untouchable. Killing a chicken is otherwise a trivial matter. 

New Years Day should feature a roast chicken dinner. I’ll have to decide what to make alongside. 


  1. A chicken in every pot....

    I'm a simple meat and potatoes man. Baked potatoes with plenty of butter, and chives if you have them, chopped green onions otherwise. Even mashed potatoes are too much work for my lazy...bones.

    And Bitburger to wash it all down.

    Eric Hines

  2. My wife would like you as a dinner companion. She grew up in Indiana, and likes nothing better than when I cook the food she grew up with there.

  3. Did she partake of the meal's main dish? I'm not sure my beloved would under similar circumstances. Surely she would not prepare it.

  4. As my wife likes to point out to me, she grew up cleaning rabbits that her family raised as part of 4H products. She didn't kill them, though, and doesn't like to kill the chickens she raised and cared for all their lives either. She would like me to do that for her. After that, she's ok.
