Worldwide Caution

The State Department today issued a worldwide alert for Americans traveling abroad. It's an Orange Alert worldwide; in the Middle East it's Red

The President's decision to hug Netanyahu for the cameras has put a target on the back of every American everywhere. I don't know if any of you are traveling abroad soon, but take care if you are. 

Amazingly, we're also sending "Gaza," meaning Hamas, a bunch of money.
The humanitarian assistance, along with $100 million in new U.S. funding for Gaza and the West Bank announced by Biden, could provide a critical lifeline to Palestinians in the besieged territory where water, food, fuel and medicine are in desperate need.

I suppose it could do that, like the six billion to Iran could have been used for "peaceful purposes."  It's been obvious for a long time that we are governed by fools, but it doesn't seem to get better as time goes along.


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Folks, no money should be sent to Israel or Hamas, and we should bring all of our soldiers home and put them on the southern border to stop the invasion until the National Debt is paid off and the military can learn how to win a war.

    We have not won a war since WWII, so time to replace our military leadership, as damn, they are past their sell date from top to bottom.

    and to change topic,

    Right now the real battle is in Congress with RINOS and Special Interests.....

    Who said this today?

    “I am against speaker-light, I am against Bud Light, I believe it is a constitutional desecration not to elect a Speaker of the House, Gaetz said, adding, “We need to stay here until we elect a Speaker, and if someone can’t get the votes, we need to go on to the next person.”


  2. The best thing Congress can do is nothing. No Speaker, no new laws and no new spending.

  3. Governed by fools?

    Nay. Knaves.

  4. And mostly, now, we have the Chaos Caucus and the Hurt Feelings Caucus abusing Nancy Reagan's mantra.

    Maybe I'll stand for Speaker. Were I to win, they'd see what impolitic looks and sounds like. And see what spending and tax cuts look like as well as, until I get my way, a defunded and (partly) shutdown government looks like, and how unthreatening that last really is.

    Eric Hines

  5. It's true that the Speaker doesn't have to be a member of Congress. We really should use the lottery proposal to fill that office, just get some regular American in there who can read them the riot act all day about their miserable performance.

  6. As much as we need something like that, it seems a fate worse than death for a decent person.
