Lending Library

A neighbor enrolled my community in the Little Free Library program. Her husband built the kiosk, which she asked me to paint with local Rockport flora and fauna. The Big Tree was a requirement, of course, but I also found room for a whooping crane and a ruby-throated hummingbird.


  1. Speaking of the ruby-throated hummingbirds, they’re on their way. It hit the mid thirties up here last night for the first time, and they seem to have taken the hint. They were feeding heavily last week, which shows they were getting ready to start your way.

  2. Oh, lovely, Tex!

    The hummingbirds have been here (Lower Alabama) for quite a while. We assume we're seeing different ones passing through but it's hard to be sure - hummingbirds are quite fungible.

  3. We had a tremendous migration peaking in the second week of September, better volume than we've had in 10 years or more.

  4. Yes, my husband is the bird-juice maker of the family and for the first time since he's been doing this, the hummingbirds have sometimes actually emptied one of the feeders before it's time to make more for freshness purposes.

  5. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I've seen one humming bird recently. I think today and later next week will push them through. The monarch butterflies have also arrived. We got to 43 this morning, and may touch the mid-30s late next week.

    I only heard cranes once last year, very high. As wet as we are this year, I hope to see/hear more.


  6. My wife thinks the monarchs are done passing through here. She still has some monarch tags left.
    On the way to Bible study this morning we had to slow down to let some sandhill cranes cross the road. My son suggested that the chicken was on vacation.

    I wish our LFL looked as nice as that one.

  7. Very nice job.

  8. Gringo12:01 AM

    Lovely, indeed.

    My neighborhood lost its Little Lending Library during Covid. The proprietor of the Little Lending Library left a note that it was being shut down to help stop the spread of the Covid virus. Not long after the Little Lending Library was shut, it was taken down.

    Perhaps a more relevant issue is, I was told, that the couple divorced, and the school librarian husband left the household.

  9. Lovely, Tex. I bet yours ends up with much better reading material in it than the ones around me.
