Israel at War

Some of my left-wing acquaintances have explained that the apparently unprovoked attack on Israel today was surely a false flag actually carried out by their own government. It’s a kind of backhanded compliment: the reputation of Mossad and the IDF is such that, though they despise the current government of Israel, they cannot accept that Israel would be caught by surprise. 

I have some friends in the IDF, to whom I wish victory. 


  1. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Not our country
    Not our people
    Not our business
    Not our troops
    We have problems enough at home
    Don’t care.


  2. Oh, you care. Every time anyone mentions Israel around here you have something negative to say.

    They don’t need your help, or mine, and I wasn’t offering it. Just wishing my friends good hunting.

  3. My primary concerns are two: one is the apparent Israeli (and allied) intelligence failure(s). If the intel agencies were truly fooled, the weaknesses need to be identified and strengthened. If there was complacency, or carelessness, or negligence, the ones responsible (the supervisors as well as the proximate individuals) need to be suitable sanctioned.

    My other concern is that Israel will once again be too soft and quit the fighting too soon, as they've usually done in the past regarding Gaza and Hamas, and Syria and Hezbollah. And that the Biden administration will move to restrain Israel, rather than supply them amply and quickly.

    Eric Hines

  4. Anonymous11:52 PM

    I would never give them help directly.

    But I pay taxes and my taxes are stolen when our elections are stolen. We are bankrupt and their is no meat left on the carcass. No milk left in the teat for the parasite class.

  5. Anonymous12:29 AM

    There’s enough that our administration found six billion dollars to send to Iran three weeks ago. So take heart, if you hate Israel: your stolen dollars are probably funding the other side.

  6. As reprehensible as the action was, that 6 billion dollars was impounded funds from oil sales, not tax dollars.

    Somebody noted that much like our IC in recent years, the Israeli IC has been spending a lot of energy recently trying to overthrow a government they don't like - their own.

  7. Another reason the "false flag" claims are resonating on the Left...

    Leftists have spent decades rationalizing Palestinian attacks on Israel as random outbursts produced by unbearable and understandable frustration. At the same time, they have dismissed Israel's concern that the Palestinians don't want peace - they want to massacre Israelis.

    No reasonably sane, reasonably decent person can apply the usual rationalizations to the violence yesterday: it was a massive, co-ordinated, government operation. And it was clear the purpose was to massacre Israelis - and kidnap and beat women.

    So Leftists either have to re-arrange their views on the Palestinians and the Israelis, or they have to insist the Palestinians didn't actually do what it looks like they did.

  8. From Ali Akhbar Hashemi Rafsanjani's sermon at Tehran University on World Al-Qods Day in 2001, cited by the Middle East Media Research Institute:

    If one day, he [Rafsanjani] said, the world of Islam comes to possess the weapons currently in Israel's possession [meaning nuclear weapons]—on that day this method of global arrogance would come to a dead end. This, he said, is because the use of a nuclear bomb in Israel will leave nothing on the ground, whereas it will only damage the world of Islam.

    Nothing has changed. It's time to end Hamas and Hezbollah. And then deal with the Iran danger, for which Israel will need more concrete help than the Biden administration's--and Europe's--duplicitous chit chat.

    No more namby-pamby "now we're even" nonsense.

    Eric Hines

  9. Hamas delenda est

    Hamas has proven itself the enemy of all civilized people and nations, even if their reach is currently mostly limited to Israel. (Their backers in Terah have a greater reach.) Their viciousness has been known for a long time; now they have shown the capacity to implement it. No nation can allow such a neighbor to exist.

    Hamas was elected and has been kept in power by the residents of Gaza. If Hasas delenda est is to come to pass, it may be that Gaza delenda est is the only path to make it so. A terrible choice to confront, but maybe the only one available.

    If you coddle and justify evil, it grows. Hamas is evil. Extirpate it root, branch and seed.

    Hamas delende est.

  10. Anonymous4:49 PM

    The Biden government is planning a whopping $100bn aid package for Ukraine,( I’m we mean Israel)in an effort to fund the war until the 2024 presidential election and avoid any potential impasse with Republican congressmen. Biden himself is expected to ask Congress to provide Ukraine (. Um Israel) with the amount that would nearly double America’s existing commitments of over $113 billion over four congressionally-approved war packages since the war began in February 2022. The idea is apparently “firmly supported by many throughout the administration,” according to one Biden official, who added, “[s]upporters of Ukraine ( um Israel) want this to be a one-and-done big bill, and then not have to deal with it until after the next election.” Biden will, however, wait until a new Speaker of the House is appointed until any deal is finalized, with voting set to begin later this week. The Biden government is currently considering a range of options to secure funding for the war, such as using a State Department grant program to send additional military aid.

    ( I added the word “Israel” to save them time writing a new article! Enjoy - Greg)

  11. You know what I'm surprised I haven't seen is anybody bringing up the "Gog and Magog attacking Israel is what starts the End Times in the Book of Revelations." That was a huge theory back in the 80s, with Russia and Iran supposedly being the two Biblical nations -- I forget which one was Gog and which one was supposed to be Magog.

    With this thing looking like a potential at-least-regional war, it'd be time to start warning about Armageddon. Maybe I just don't know the right places to look.

  12. It was a huge theory back in the 70's too, but I can't recall either who was supposed to be who. Though if Russia and Iran are Gog and Magog, who is "Babylon the Great?" The USA?

    I'm of the "prophecy is for understanding what happens when it does" school instead of the "prophecy is for telling the future" school.

  13. "Though if Russia and Iran are Gog and Magog, who is "Babylon the Great?" The USA?"

    The US government or the international elite of which our current government is part -- the whole EU/WEF/USG mob, with it commitment to pride in alternative sexualities and the sensuality of Hollywood, Cannes, and so forth. If one is inclined to read Biblical prophecy into the present day, as you sensibly argue against doing, I don't see how the US gets out on the right side of God these days.

    It's probably wiser not to do it at all. I'm just surprised I haven't seen it, because like you I remember it as a regular feature of political argument in the 70s and as late as the 80s.

  14. "If you coddle and justify evil, it grows. Hamas is evil. Extirpate it root, branch and seed."

    I think most people would argue -- out of this particular context, at least, and in general -- for ethnic cleansing being evil. Sometimes one doesn't get the choice of non-evil. One chooses among evils. It's the best you can do.

    One time I wrote a post about the war on terror in which I said that, in such times, the only thing you can do is do, and then pray for forgiveness. I think that Israel may be finding itself at such a moment now.

  15. Anonymous5:26 PM

    False flag in attempt to get us involved in a war that is NOT, Not, I repeat absolutely NOT in our national interest in any way shape or form to become involved in. No one will obey a leader or party who steals elections. Let’s go Brandon!


  16. Anonymous8:53 PM

    As I said,

    Not our country
    Not our people
    Not our business
    Not our troops
    We have problems enough at home
    Don’t care.

    now this.....

    ....The US Foreign Affairs Committee confirms that Egyptian intelligence warned Israel about the Hamas attacks three days prior, and in doing so, proves that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu publicly lied about the Israeli government not being warned by Egypt.......

    Fr&^%GG&NG Liars


    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      This man should not be Speaker.

      America Fist. Not Israel.


  17. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Every time I hear about Americans dying in Israel, I think of American Israeli dual citizens. Dual citizens have dual loyalty at best or most likely fake citizens with Israeli loyalty in other words they are fake Americans and their real or staged deaths is being used to draw us into a war we can not afford.

    Jews are the dual citizens I have ever met. Just let Israel pay for their own damn war.


  18. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Media is in overdrive shovel this crap and it does not work so here is a healthy take on the issue.

    The Israeli “War” Needs To Be Questioned

