Hardening the Society against Attacks

One step being taken in Israel is very wise and proper: arm the citizen militia.
“Any citizen who meets the detailed tests for carrying a private firearm due to self-defense and serving the security forces and is without a criminal or medical record will be required to undergo a telephone interview instead of a physical interview and will be able to receive permission to carry a firearm within a week,” Ben-Gvir said, according to a Google translation of the post. “(Self-defense tests: residence in an eligible settlement, rifle veterans 07 and above, officers in the rank of lieutenant and above and combatants in the rank of major and above in the IDF and the security forces, service in special units, firefighters, policemen, and workers and volunteers in the rescue forces).”

Eligible citizens who meet the criteria can now undergo a telephone interview instead of a physical one, and they can obtain permission to carry a firearm within a week. Any citizen who received a conditional permit to purchase a firearm in 2023 but did not purchase one can now buy a firearm without reapplying. Citizens who turned in their firearms over the previous six months, because they didn’t complete renewal training, can get their weapons back. The number of bullets that can be purchased by those with conditional permits has also been doubled. Gun-carry requirements will also be loosened.

The Second Amendment is already stronger than all of that put together, but it underlines and demonstrates the worth of a citizen militia in hardening a society against even coordinated violence.  


  1. "There are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to try to invade."
    - Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart)

  2. It's a step in the right direction but not even close to enough. Only former officers in the military? Double the ammo? That's 100 rounds instead of the previous 50. How does one train? even then, 100 was not enough for what happened days ago.

    I'm surprised the response from Ben Gvir (who has tried to loosen gun restrictions before but was unable to) is trying but this is not enough.
