Swedish Torch

Grilling over a Swedish Torch

I cut one tree this year that proved unreasonably difficult to split, so instead I cut it into Swedish Torches with my chainsaw. This turns out to be great for outdoor cooking as it provides a stable flat surface. 


  1. I've been tempted to cut Swedish torches into a giant multi-stemmed boxelder stump that I wish to get rid of.

    Requires a day I can spend monitoring the fire, however

  2. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Slippery elm? I hate splitting those


  3. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Osage orange is no fun cutting or splitting.

    What type of tree was it?

  4. It is in fact an elm, as Greg guessed. I split some of it in the spring, decided it was not worth the effort I was putting into it and set the bucked logs aside to dry all summer. It's still entirely too much effort to split in the fall. This, however, is a good use for it.

  5. I did not grow up with wood as fuel, and did not start splitting until I was 25. The first tree I cut on the property was an elm that was leaning over the house, and I felt I was a very inadequate woodsman when I was unable to split it. I bought different mauls, sharpened them insanely, and read up on technique and still could do nothing with the very green elm. Was I that much of a weakling? I put the 16x20" pieces away until the dead of winter, and was able to knock the twisty bastards apart then. I did start to appreciate that the twisting might be the problem. Yet it was not until spring when I took out some birches and geared up for another weekend of headaches stretching into Wednesday that I fully appreciated the difference. That stuff was easy. One swipe, didn't even have to hit the center perfectly.

    I have had nothing to do with elm since. When I had to cut one, I would just bring the pieces to friends who burned outdoors. So when you said "unreasonably difficult to split" I wondered immediately what wood it was.

  6. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Elms just don't like people, be the tree living or dead. They seem to go out of their way to be difficult.

    Note: I am slightly biased because of almost being brained twice by falling branches. Elms were very, very popular public park trees out here.

