Wind Cave

Of all the hikes I have taken, this destination looks and feels most like it belongs in Arthurian myth. 


  1. Yes, that is a cool hike. Probably one of the best hikes in the area.

    For extra-credit-level coolness, the cave is actually navigable, and you come out a different place than you went in. From what I've heard, it requires some serious skills (ropes, swimming, etc.), and some tight squeezes. It's also a multi-day trip, if the report I heard was accurate.

    1. Yes, the guide I have describes the connection to Ice Cave as “the only known opportunity to go caving in your wetsuit, vertical gear and crampons SIMULTANEOUSLY.”

      I left my wetsuit in my closet at home, and my vertical gear really belongs to the VFD. Even if I had it, though, the cramped space might rule me out. It’s hard to fit my shoulders through even many ordinary spaces.

    2. When I heard about it the first time, it sounded like a cool adventure; but I quickly decided it would never (not even in more adventurous younger days) have quite been my cup of tea.

      I might be up for a really gnarly wet, climbing, and squeezey cave trip, if it wasn't much longer than about 12-15 hours.

      Or, I might be up for a multi-day trip in the dark, if it was mostly dry and not too cramped.

      But put it all together, and I'll just find something else to do instead.

      I know, I'm as finicky as Morris the cat.

  2. Looks beautiful. The cave sounds cool, whether you hike it or not.

  3. That's gorgeous, and does seem a bit 'otherworldly' for the Mountain West- something about the geology is a little different, beyond the cool water-flowing-out-the-mouth-of-the-cave thing.

  4. The back door to to the Mines of Moria?
