Not too Sure About This

I really thought he’d like the river, but look at that face. 



  1. Well, you know. Rivers have water in them. Dogs get their paws wet.

    Eric Hines

  2. Apparently that is very upsetting.

  3. Anonymous8:17 PM

    "Daaad! It's wet and its moving and I don't like it!"

    He's definitely not a Lab or Newfie. :)


  4. We have 3 dogs, not one of whom will step into our pool. The old black lab fell in by accident yesterday and was not happy about it. She swam as quickly as she could to the steps and got out. She's always pawing at her large water bowl and acting as if she'd like to climb into it, so when we built this pool I thought for sure she'd enjoy it, but she wants nothing to do with it, no matter how hot the weather.

  5. Our standard poodle you can't keep out of the water. The Viszla, the water's always too cold to stay in long, but she doesn't mind it. But in my youth we had dogs that absolutely avoided it as much as possible- the GS being one of those.
