A heavily trafficked area of the West Wing

From PowerLine:
Is there no fingerprint or DNA on the baggie? Is video unavailable, as in the matter of Jeffrey Epstein’s death? This is probably not the toughest case in the world to “crack” — unless you don’t want to, or unless Inspector Clouseau is in charge of the investigation.


  1. Was it Hunter in the library with a straw...or some unknown patron in the West Wing with a rolled up dollar bill?

    Hunter almost has plausible deniability because he is/was a Crack addict.

  2. Well, that certainly occurred to me immediately. The question is, how many liberals will A) Have that occur to them and B) Admit at least privately to themselves that it's a big deal. The complete sellouts insisted that the Ukrainians were starving themselves on purpose just to embarrass Stalin. Don't even listen to what they say. On all incidents like this we are only looking for the 1-2% each time who quietly fold their napkins and ask for the check and go home.

  3. What I wonder about, in my conspiracy theory cynicism, is whether cocaine was found in both the West Wing and the library....

    Wouldn't be the first time two Federal "investigation" agencies weren't talking to each other.

    Eric Hines

  4. How many Inspector Clouseau's are we employing?

  5. Now, now. Le Chevalier C. Auguste Dupin here.

    Eric Hines

  6. So the White House is claiming that cocaine was found "in a much more secure place ... near the Situation Room" and next to "where, for example, the vice president's vehicle is parked."

    By wild coincidence, that move happens to allow them to exit a wildly unpopular VP before trying to run an obviously incapable Presidential candidate in a highly contested election… and also covers the family’s son.

  7. Well, Biden seems to be going downhill rapidly, at least cognitively, so the VP spot is key.

  8. So the White House is claiming that cocaine was found "in a much more secure place ... near the Situation Room"....

    They might want to check for semen stains in the Situation Room, just on GPs. I know a base command post where that sort of thing went on. Got the command post commander fired.

    Harris' implied involvement here is just misdirection and distraction. Someone else, close to the President may be involved. But I have another suspicion. What I'm seeing indicates what was found was an intact small, zipped bag (per CNN) of cocaine. It seems unlikely that a user would have left it behind by mistake. That leans me toward the bag being a plant, either from someone's idea of a prank (unlikely) or put there to embarrass the administration (less unlikely).

    Eric Hines

  9. The stuff was found in an area where NO ONE is searched: i.e., the family and a few other very high-up Admin. figures.

    This was not a "plant"--unless one of the above people "planted" it.

    Highly unlikely.

  10. Strangely enough, I find myself nearly persuaded by the observation that it was a very, very small bag of coke. If it were Hunter's, wouldn't it be larger? Anyway, the whole thing is a travesty. Someone else pointed out, quite rightly I think, that we'd be unlikely ever to have heard it happened at all if someone hadn't panicked, assumed it was a biohazard, and brought in the fire department, which was broadcasting on insecure frequencies.

  11. Funny how nobody has suggested the simplest way to eliminate suspects - drug testing.

  12. Drug testing would identify many of the users, but it wouldn't identify the "owner" of the packet.

    Eric Hines

  13. Now Jake Sullivan appeared to suggest that it was one of the crew that is renovating the Situation Room. So the WH is so insecure that some day labor can bring in a baggie of dope in a lunch bag? Is that what you mean, Jake?

  14. Why not? It’s only the Situation Room. Of old things were resolved there, but we all know no real decisions are made by this President or the Vice President.

  15. As Sen. Kennedy said yesterday, if his record were as bad as the White House's, he'd have to give his staff blow, too.
