Nonconventional Intelligence

Allegedly this stencil test fools 90% regardless of IQ.


  1. I got the first one and the second, but thought the rest just looked not very interesting for the amount of mental energy I would have to spend hold things in my head. There probably was a time when I would have fought through them.

  2. I likewise looked it over and decided that I didn’t care enough to bother, which is a decision that I find myself making more and more. I did think others might enjoy playing with it.

  3. Those would make good quilt patterns, or even painted barn quilt patterns.

  4. I think it's difficult for many people because it requires a combination that's more rare in people- both logical sequencing ability and good sense of visual proportions and shapes. And yes, after doing a few correctly relatively easily, I figure I could do the more complicated ones, but didn't want to spend the time.
