Make Way, Women!


A non-man attracted to non-men. While past definitions refer to ‘lesbian’ as a woman who is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to other women, this updated definition includes non-binary people who may also identify with the label.
I was going to link this to the old joke about the biker who realized that he was a lesbian, but he's actually still excluded from this definition. It's only males who aren't men who are now eligible to be lesbians. Women have to move over to make room for them, here as elsewhere. 


  1. I'm reminded of the line from "A League of Their Own," in which Geena Davis's kid sister bitterly remembers how her parents used to introduce their two daughters: "This is our daughter, Dottie. And this is our other daughter, Dottie's sister."

    But I guess I need to dig through my wardrobe to see if I have anything rainbow colored (unlikely), then wear it to celebrate my non-manhoodness. Honestly, these days I can't keep straight (I mean, I can't remember) whether I'm supposed to be pro- or anti-patriarchy.

  2. Honestly, these days I can't keep straight (I mean, I can't remember) whether I'm supposed to be pro- or anti-patriarchy.

    Does all this mean that, after I win some sort of competition, I can't crow, "Who's your Daddy?"

    Be always pro-patriarchy, though. Why would you want to exclude genetically female personages who identify as men from the top of the totem pole?

    Eric Hines

  3. I can't keep straight (I mean, I can't remember) whether I'm supposed to be pro- or anti-patriarchy.

    Ironically, I think the sides are now The Patriarchy (tm, as Cassandra used to put it) and The Paternalists. You get to support the men -- er, males -- of your choice.

  4. Anonymous5:58 PM

    The Johns Hopkins University quickly took down the definition list, but too many people cached it already.

    Given what I've read about all the things women did back in the 1800s, and earlier, and my grandmothers' and aunts' experiences, I'll take The Patriarchy™ over the Paternalists, thanks.


  5. The Johns Hopkins University quickly took down the definition list....

    There's no reason to believe, though, that JHU isn't still applying the definition list, just doing it more quietly. The university managers who developed and published the list remain in place. Or so it seems from the lack of publicity regarding any separation of them from the university.

    Eric Hines
