A Busy Month

Between now and a month from now I will be finishing up the Technical Rescue certification series I've been pursuing since April. This will put me in night classes on Mondays and Wednesdays every week, and on two of the four weeks also on Fridays, as well as all day Saturdays and Sundays. This is of course in addition to my regular professional and family duties. 

If it's been a little quiet lately, it's because I'm busy. It's worthwhile stuff, however, that I think is not a waste of time. Still, it may be August before I can relax. 

1 comment:

  1. Robert Macaulay2:33 PM

    Becoming not just certified but gut-deep competent at technical rescue requires time and focus; being kind-of-good just doesn’t cut it. You are putting your energy where it belongs.
