Perfect Timing

PJM points out:

Addressing the committee, [Senator] Goldman said, “You’re trying to gaslight us up here, as if Antifa—which Mr. Rosas is apparently the expert now in organized terrorist activity, has overruled the FBI director who says, there’s a headline that says ‘Antifa is an ideology not an organization.’ No, no, no. Let’s not listen to the FBI director. Let’s listen to—sorry, what’s your title? Senior writer at Townhall, who is going to tell us that the FBI director is wrong.

Oh, well, if the FBI Director Christopher Wray said it…

‘Breathtakingly Corrupt’ FBI EXPOSED in Durham Trump-Russia Report

Is Christopher Wray Covering up for the Biden Family or the FBI Itself?

Christopher Wray Needs to Comply With House Oversight Committee Subpoena; He’s Not Above the Law

CONFIRMED: The FBI Has Spies in Catholic Churches to Hunt for ‘Domestic Terrorism’

More at the link.

I think this is actually the perfect time to invoke the FBI as a credible organization in an incredible cause, because the general public hasn't had time yet to absorb the devastation of its credibility on display in the Durham report. For now most people probably still hold the view of the FBI they've absorbed from Hollywood and television. It'll take time for the truth to seep in.

So, for now, it's a fire sale. Use it up while you can, politicians, because it's going fast and will not return. 


  1. For now most people probably still hold the view of the FBI they've absorbed from Hollywood and television.

    Ahem I guess I'm not most people. The view I've absorbed of the FBI has been informed by the misbehaviors of J Edgar Hoover, and sad to see, the agency has not improved a whit; indeed, it's gotten worse.

    The FBI needs to be completely disbanded, and the law(s) creating it withdrawn entirely. Defunding it would only leave the agency on the books, to be re-funded and revivified by a later Congress and administration.

    Move its forensics labs and databases to a couple of separate offices in the middle of Nebraska or Oklahoma, away from the anonymity of the couple of big cities in that section of flyover country; transfer the line agents to the Marshall Service and Secret Service; and dismiss everyone else in the agency from just above line agent on up from Federal employ. I'm confident that, with their tremendous experience, they'll have no problem finding employ in the real economy. There are a number of understaffed police forces whose governing bodies maybe could use their expertise. I understand, too, that some Left news outlets could use their expert punditry.

    I'm satisfied that we need a Federal police agency, but that must be kept small and be built from scratch ground up, with only those erstwhile line agents eligible for participation in the new entity.

    Eric Hines

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      You wrote: “The FBI needs to be completely disbanded, and the law(s) creating it withdrawn entirely. Defunding it would only leave the agency on the books, to be re-funded and revivified by a later Congress and administration.”

      I agree 100%

      Plus make them not able to ever hold government jobs again for life and strip them retirement benefits


  2. No, it never occurred to me that you might fall into the category to which I was referring. I was thinking of people like my mother, whose world is informed by the morning shows, television drama, and other mainstream fare.

  3. I know that. Ahem was a failed attempt at tongue-in-cheek humor.

    Eric Hines
