Marking Lightfoot's Passing

Not something I listen to regularly, but I've always found the "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" haunting.

He has a number of other good songs I grew up with. Here's a couple. 

Saturday update: Let's have a couple more, since we're below the fold.

In the comments, AVI suggested

Another I grew up with

Sunday update:

LittleRed1 and Texan99 both mentioned "The Pony Man," so here it is.


  1. The Mariner's Church rang it's bell 30 times this week: 29 for the men of the Edmund Fitzgerald and one for Gordon Lightfoot. A fitting tribute if ever there was one.

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

    "Pony Man" for the younger listeners.

    I was up in Duluth on a flight, and watched one of the big grain boats leaving the harbor. It was a sunny, chilly August day, and I kept hearing "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" in my mind's ear.


  3. Thanks! love to be reminded of songs I've lost track of.

  4. The Wreck of the Edmund Fitsgerald Gerald symbolizes the whole Rust Belt, and the collapse of the working and middle class.

  5. I've got "Pony Man" on various playlists, always have liked it.

    And I don't care how much fun people make of the "Wreck," it's a terrific song.

  6. AVI has an SCTV sendup of Lightfoot up at his place, and I've added "The Pony Man" here. I don't think I'd ever heard it before.

  7. FWIW, the ship was named "Edmund Fitzgerald" after the Chairman of Northwestern Mutual Life, which owned it.
