Embedding Rumble Videos

Here's a quick how-to for embedding Rumble videos in Blogger. Most of this will be below the fold.

Before we get started, it's vital to ignore the video icon in the Blogger interface throughout this entire process. It will persistently refuse to help you with this task, so you should snub it like a stuck-up ex who broke your heart and stole the cash in your sock drawer on the way out.

Now, let's begin below the fold.

1. You can type all your text in with the normal 'Compose view' editor. Unless you're familiar with basic HTML, like <p> and <br /> tags, it's easiest just to put all the text either above the video (as I will show in my examples) or below the video. (Those tags are easy to learn, too, but one thing at a time.) BTW, all of these pics will expand if you click on them.

2. When you're finished typing, switch to the HTML editor. To do that, find the pencil icon on the far left of the interface. Click and you'll get an 'HTML view' option. Click that.

3. Find the Rumble video you want to post. Below the video, click on the <> embed button (circled in red here).

4. Select and copy the script. Then switch to your Blogger editor.

5. Paste the script in from Rumble either above or below the text, which will usually be enclosed in <p> and </p> tags. (Note: Right here that lyin' video icon will probably wink at you and sashay by in those tight blue jeans. My friend, nothing good will come from clicking that icon now. You know in your heart it will never leave YouTube for your Rumble videos.)

Notice that, after you paste the embed script in, if you switch back to the normal 'Compose view' editor, the script (everything between <script> and </script> tags) is invisible. Don't worry about that. If you want to see how it looks before publishing, use the Preview button. 

6. Time to hit Publish.

7. Here's your embedded video.

If you have any questions, post them in the comments and I'll reply in the next day or so.


  1. "...like a stuck-up ex who broke your heart and stole the cash in your sock drawer on the way out."

    There's a vivid metaphor.

  2. It beckons you down the primrose path of dalliance but recks not its own rede. It is the flowery way that leads to the broad gate and the great fire. It tempts you with honeyed poison to a gilded cage.

  3. Did you intend the video to appear? It does not. At least in my Firefox browser.

    But it does in Microsoft's Edge browser.

    Apparently Blogger isn't the only fickle betrayer of innocents.

    Good work by you, nevertheless.

    As pessimistic as [some are] about the nature of human beings and our capacity for atrocity and malevolence and betrayal and laziness and inertia, and all those things, [you] transcend all that and set things straight.

    Eric Hines

  4. Grim, I'm only doing this until I make it big as a country music song writer.

    Tex, That's hilarious. I'll have to use that sometime, maybe my next how-to.

    Eric, I should have checked it in different browsers. When I open it in Firefox it works for me. I suspect there's a Javascript setting on yours that is stopping it from showing up. Javascript has to be enabled because the embedding script is written in that language.

    I don't recognize the quote, but I'm glad if this helped.

  5. Tom, the quote, lightly paraphrased, is from Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychologist.

    I don't allow Javascript to run on my Firefox; it's too easily hacked, and I go too many places on the Internet. I only run Edge to check things in Firefox; I distrust Edge's commitment to security, also.

    Mark me down as slightly paranoid.

    Eric Hines

  6. I hadn't thought about it before, but that is a drawback for Rumble.

    I actually have Peterson's "12 Rules for Life" or something like that. I hope to read it this summer.

    I also bought your "A Conservative's Manifesto" and hope to read it this summer as well.

    I've had to read quite a bit of left-wing dreck for months on end now and I'm looking forward to those two as a respite for my weary sanity.

  7. I hope you like the book. I wrote it, in my small hubris, in an attempt to influence the 2012 election; that shows up especially in the later chapters.

    I didn't succeed.

    Eric Hines

  8. Anonymous3:48 AM


    You had me at

    “so you should snub it like a stuck-up ex who broke your heart and stole the cash in your sock drawer on the way out.”

    Never was a meta for more true!

