Rumble Test

Just seeing how to embed Rumble videos here, so some silliness follows.

I was never really a Fox News viewer, and don't have much of an opinion either way on Tucker Carlson, but I like what he says here, after Fox let him go.

Okay, let's see how this works.


  1. This is possible by using the embedding script Rumble provides, but since the script is invisible to the reader, it needs to be done in HTML editing mode. Also, looking at the script, I don't immediately see a way to turn off auto-play mode, which is a bit annoying. I may play with some of the variables that the script seems to have to see what happens.

    When I say I like what Carlson said, it's not that I think he's completely right. I do think there are meaningful differences between the parties, but I also think enough of each party has been bought by special interest / corporate money to keep real reform from happening. I also think many of our day-to-day controversies are played up to distract the people from some of the truly meaningful things going on. Tucker lists some of those, to which I would add our national debt and violations of federalism, at least.

  2. I looked at the code. Try taking “play” out of the instructions wherever it appears.

  3. If you're talking about Carlson's Heritage speech, here's the YouTube video:

    I've never been impressed with Carlson; he too often has seemed as given over to manufactured hysteria as anyone of the Left.

    Eric Hines

  4. Grim, I'll try that.

    Eric, Nah, I'm just talking about the brief video I put up in this post. I watched the Heritage speech & wasn't terribly impressed. I've never watched him that much; what I've seen is just snippets here and there, so I don't really have an opinion on him.

  5. Grim, that doesn't work. Also, I've looked and it seems like there's no way to turn off auto-play on videos on Rumble's website, either. Maybe if I were signed in I would get that option. Maybe I'll make an account and find out.

    Eric, I watched the Heritage speech again (I like the option to watch at higher speeds) and he does say some good things. Was there anything there you wanted to bring out?

    I think I was interested in what Carlson had to say because I've noticed media personalities can get much more interesting when they aren't tied to a network. Glen Greenwald, for example. Although I have significant differences with him, when he started working independently he started saying some things that I thought were very sensible, too. I'm wondering if an independent Carlson will get more interesting in the same way.

  6. [Carlson] does say some good things. Was there anything there you wanted to bring out?

    Not from that speech; I thought it was, on the whole, a fairly good one. I was a bit put off by his constant digressions, but that's style not substance.

    On his show, though, he often ridiculed his guests, laughing at them in their faces (by remote when they were Skyping it in). His conspiracy mongering over rampant corruption in Ukraine, stolen weapons, bug warfare in eastern Ukraine labs, American nuclear weapons tech in Zaporizhzhia's nuclear power plant, all without presenting any actual evidence.

    His obsessive hatred of all things Trump.

    He had occasional good spots on his show, but he had far too many conspiracy pushings and far too much manufactured angst. The net result wasn't so much a matter of one aw s**t canceling a thousand atta boys as it was so many aw s**ts.

    Maybe it is a matter of his--or any pundit/pundit wannabe--being independent, rather than tied to a network and so scratching for clicks and ratings. Although Megan Kelly seems to have gone the other way, getting more off the wall now that she's independent.

    Eric Hines

  7. I don't think I ever watched an entire episode of Carlson, just got snippets other people were commenting on. I did not realize his conspiracy stuff or never-Trump attitude.

    I guess we'll see what happens next.

    I still haven't watched any of Megan Kelly except the occasional snippet someone else is commenting on.
