
It is an honor to once again join this august group of bloggers. To commemorate this auspicious event, I would like to introduce you to a favorite band of mine. Wytch Hazel is a band from Lancaster, England. Their sound is heavily influenced by bands like Thin Lizzy, Deep Purple, and Iron Maiden. Their lyrics center on Christian themes. They describe themselves in the following way: 

"In the parallel universe where the New Wave of British Heavy Metal happened 600 years early, WYTCH HAZEL are the band of choice for the discerning Plantagenet headbanger."

They had me at Plantagenet headbanger. 

The first song is from their upcoming album, "Sacrament," out on 2 June. The other two songs are from their previous album, "Pentecost."


  1. Welcome. I can definitely hear the Thin Lizzy influence there.

  2. Welcome! Though I expected more roses ...
