
Today was my father’s birthday. He died in 2016, receiving a heroic funeral from the Volunteer Fire Department he had so long served. 

Today I stopped by a little Mexican restaurant, one of Dad’s favorite sorts of food, on my way to night class at one of a neighboring county’s Fire Departments where we are doing technical rescue training. It hadn’t occurred to me at all that this was his birthday until I was eating, when I suddenly remembered. I suppose that, by pure chance, I had happened upon an excellent memorial for him. 

1 comment:

  1. Small Dad's birthday is the 22nd. As a memorial to him, I turned on every light in the house (he hated wasting energy/money but despised Earth Day with a passion), cranked up the volume on the tv (being a radar man in the 50's and 60's before ear protection was SOP, he was deaf as a doornail), reset all my clocks to the same exact atomic time (we could never understand his obsession with exact time, but he would go through the house once a month and reset every clock in the house to the same time), and drank a little moonshine with my beer (you can take the Mountain William out of the mountains, but you can't take the Mountain out of the Williams). I'm glad you ended up at a special place on his day. 0>;~}
