This is the way

"Universal school choice is growing in popularity across the United States, with Florida becoming the fourth in the nation to pass such legislation in the past year. A similar bill was passed in Iowa last month." It's on the legislative agenda in this year's session in Texas. The state school monopoly may have pulled off one of the great boners in history in shutting down schools. If they had it to do over again, maybe they'd think of a way to avoid letting parents look over their kids' shoulders in ZOOM sessions.


  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    The one problem with the Texas voucher bill are the strings. Day Job would have to shift to become more like a public school, and that might undo all that we've been trying to accomplish. At the moment, we don't deal with a lot of state compliance, since we are accredited by a college accreditation system. Taking state money means having to work like a public school, and that would cost us more than we'd gain with vouchers (hiring at least four more administrators just to start with, for example.)

    It will be interesting to see what comes of the bill. The teachers' union is vehement in opposing anything like that.


  2. "...may have pulled off one of the great boners in history in shutting down schools. If they had it to do over again, maybe they'd think of a way to avoid letting parents look over their kids' shoulders in ZOOM sessions."

    Yeah, that's about the size of it. Parents were willing to trust the schools to babysit their kids, no questions asked, for as long as they were willing to do it. Once the parents had to babysit, they started paying attention to what was being sold.
