Tennessee Waltz

This is a song with an impressive recording history, including multiple hit versions and covers by great names. The thing is, I don’t think there actually is a “Tennessee Waltz,” only a country music song that features one. I wonder what waltz the original author was thinking of here? 


  1. https://thesession.org/discussions/33728

  2. As someone who has dabbled in songwriting, I can give the opinion that the words were chosen to fit the meter, and to sing well. I also suspect the writer meant this very song, in a fictional world.

  3. It's an interesting question, in the sense that it has interested others before me (as I can see from J. M.'s link). Waltzes were often borrowed for country tunes (see the famous Willie Nelson piece, "Sad Songs and Waltzes [Aren't Selling This Year]"). All the same, I've never heard anyone play "the Tennessee Waltz" unless they were playing this particular song. Given that it is billed as beautiful -- wonderful -- marvelous! -- glorious! -- I was always surprised by that.
