Still the King

This week was Bob Wills’ birthday. 


  1. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Hi. If you enjoy country or cowboy music, here are two independent radio stations. First is KGFN, Goldfield, Nevada. kgfn dot org. Their audio feed:

    Second is KHIL from Willcox, AZ. khilradio dot net You can try the listen now button on that site, or try their audio feed at:

    Each station has a down to earth and folksy feel to them.
    I enjoy reading this blog.

  2. Thank you, Jim. I shall certainly give them a try.

  3. Anonymous6:49 PM

    HPPR (High Plains Public Radio) used to have Western Swing and Other Things on Saturday mornings. Lots of Bob Wills, classic western music, new non-chart western music, and the occasional "What the heck?" like the Austin Lounge Lizards. Great fun.


  4. Gringo5:26 PM

    Yup, Bob is still the King. Coincidentally, I knew two people with some connection to Al Striklin, who was Bob's "piano pounder" back in the 30s. The father of one of my math students had gone to high school in Cleburne TX with Al's son. For 8-9 years I had beers on Friday nights with a fellow homeowner and with his friend, an old geezer who for decades had played sax in a Guy Lombardo type dance band. He said that when his band performed in the Dallas area, a former Bob Wills piano player provided their piano music. As Cleburne was about 60 miles from Dallas, it must have been Al Striklin.

    Another country music station with Internet access is KCLW in Hamilton. Because the former owner was a friend of my sister, I investigated it years ago. When he was the owner, there were a lot of different shows, like a Western Swing night/afternoon, but the current website doesn't provide much information. I suspect corporate blandness has taken over.
