Riding Weather

Today was, and tomorrow is reported to be, ideal riding weather. I spent the morning engaged in an adventure I shall not relate because it involves rescue service participation in a murder investigation, and such things are wisely not spoken of before the trial. That was expected to take the day and didn't, so I had taken a day off from work that I suddenly had free. I spent seven glorious hours riding in fine spring weather, with a good meal at a smokehouse in amongst the pleasures of the road. 

We shall see if I am able to get free tomorrow; certainly not all day, as many things need my attention in addition to the motorcycle. Still, the warm parts of the year bring their pleasures.


  1. I hope you get to ride. Always good for the soul!

  2. raven5:17 PM

    Sounds like a good day!
    Pretty cool wet weather out here in the Pacific Northwet.Still fun to ride, not the balmy euphoric feeling of Real Sun though.

  3. I haven't listened to Seasick Steve in quite a while. Good to be reminded of him.

  4. The Smokehouse in Cashiers?
