Definitely no Uvalde

God bless these cops.


  1. "Hale apparently considered a second Nashville-area target for an attack but didn't go through with it because it had more security."

  2. Here in NC we are currently having a dispute between the legislature and the governor about whether churches can have armed members to protect services. Churches with schools on the property have been conceded as undefendable, in the hope of getting the governor to go along with allowing the defense of at least some churches. The governor, Democrat Roy Cooper, would prefer to disarm the population and is making no concessions in return.

    Public schools these days usually have armed police on site.

  3. raven2:03 PM

    The most accurate synopsis about gun control I have heard is this-

    "They want us disarmed, because they plan on doing things to us that would get them shot if we had guns."

  4. Also this, from a Maggie's Farm comment this morning:

    "Playbook for MSM covering mass shootings:

    Step 1: Speculate that the shooter is motivated by right-wing hate.

    Step 2: When Step 1 becomes untenable, sympathize with the shooter's left-wing cause.

    Step 3: When Step 2 becomes untenable, forget about the shooter and just make it about guns."

    I'd add Step 4: If the shooter chose the target because it was unarmed, bury the story after 24 hours.
