Background Bluegrass and Beautiful Photos

This isn't normal fare for the Hall, but I often listen to music like this in the background when I'm working, and this particular video has some stunning pics of the Appalachians, as well as black and white photos of people and life there maybe a generation or two ago, I guess. I thought some others here might enjoy it.

I've only been to the Appalachians once for a week, though I've driven through several times after that. It is an incredibly beautiful place.


  1. raven8:27 PM

    Heh- the first photo is great- seems like they are equally attached to their instruments and their rifles. They would fit right in around here.

  2. raven8:34 PM

    For those who have missed it, the documentary by Ken Burns on "Country Music" is well worth watching. A lot of the stars came out of hill country circumstances that makes present day "poverty" look like the Hilton.

  3. I'm not sure what you mean when you say it's not standard fare around here. Appalachia certain is; and bluegrass is rooted in the same old time Americana as all the country and Western swing music we play all the time. I do Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs just occasionally. They were both local boys, one from the Tennessee side of the border, and the other from here in North Carolina.

  4. raven, I'll have to watch that. Thanks for suggesting it.

    Grim, I just meant long stretches of music like this. Normally I think we tend to post videos of single songs, or maybe an exceptional concert. I think of this as, like I said, good background music. I wouldn't have posted it except I looked up from work a few times and was struck by some of the photography.

  5. Oh, I see. Yes, I don't listen to 'background music' most of the time. I find that I think better in silence.

    I do, sometimes, when I'm engaged in activities that don't require sustained careful thought. Wood splitting, say, or working on motorcycles or other vehicles; weightlifting; cooking.
