AI Illustrations

OpenAI, the same company that put out Chat GPT, also has an illustrator. I asked it to give me illustrations of the Elric the Barbarian story in the style of N. C. Wyeth. This is what it came up with.

"Elric the Barbarian," I suppose.

An older Elric.

These are obviously not anywhere near the quality of N. C. Wyeth illustrations, but they're good enough for a paperback cover. Hope you're not an illustrator, because you're out of work: there's no way a publisher will pay you hundreds or thousands of dollars when the job can be done 'well enough' for free.


  1. Hope you're not an illustrator, because you're out of work....

    Maybe for some of the genres that benefit from more lurid covers, but ChatGPT cannot hope to match the skill and centered-ness of the covers the guy I used for my political philosophy books and whom I still use for my novels. The latter, especially, are jazzy covers in the style of the Peter Gunn theme music; ol' Chat doesn't even understand that sort of thing.

    Eric Hines

  2. It will only get better from here. If you had said such things were possible ten years ago, folks would have been aghast.

    Lots of authors, especially of fiction, already didn't like the illustrators their publishers chose.

  3. Can't even get hands right. Note the number of fingers- a common problem for AI art. I've also seen a city scene in a Renaissance style where the perspective for the buildings was different for each building. Certain things it's not at all good at.
