WARNO: Grim’s Hall 20th Anniversary Celebration

According to my calculations, St. Patrick’s Day of this year will mark the first full day of Grim’s Hall’s third decade. This happens to be a Friday, and St. Patrick’s Day. Prepare appropriately. 


  1. Eh, I already drink too much since retirement. I don't go looking for additional excuses these days.

    I did find out via Ancestry, confirmed by the DNA, that I have Irish ancestry starting at my ggggg grandfather (<1%) who was a Larkin sea-captain from the Isle of Wight. But I've got much more Orange in me (7%).

  2. Family records say g^5 Irish, similar to g^5 AmerIndian. If we had any idea who she was we might celebrate the latter, but the records don't tell the tribe.

    Does Scots-Irish count?

    Congratulations on your 20-year run. My 20-anniversary won't be until Halloween (with less than a quarter of your post total).

  3. Has it really been 20 years? Remarkable.

    I myself subscribe to the genetic theory that everyone is Irish on St Patty's Day.

    Alternatively, we could look at culture, in which case I think I listen to enough Irish music to qualify as at least 1/365th Irish.

  4. Feel free to drink just the regular amount, AVI.

    I'm not aware of being Irish, but definitely Celtic through strong Scottish ancestry (and originally many of them were from Ireland). Strong Germanic/Norse ancestry as filtered through Scotland (my father's mother's people were Thurmonds, for example). Ironically my last name sounds very Irish to Americans, but it isn't.

  5. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I was inspired to go back and see how long I have been reading your blog, Grim. I haven't found an easy way to determine that but the earliest reference on my old blog to your blog dates from June of 2009 - so at least that long. Time flies.

    Amusingly, when I searched your blog for my name, I found a post from you about limiting the franchise:


    It's amusing because back then I was apparently utterly opposed to limiting the franchise for purely pragmatic reasons but now I would be happy to do so under certain conditions (e.g., a national divorce). I suppose that means I can learn from reality. :+)

    I'm very glad you're still blogging, Grim, and hope you continue to do so. Thanks for the years of information, entertainment, and community.


  6. I remember that discussion, Elise. The last post in the series, where I tried to construct a defense of the franchise (against the position I had been arguing all along, as an exercise) is my favorite of them.


    You are certainly welcome for those things you cite. I thank you, in return, for continuing to come by and share in our community year after year. You've been greatly valued.

  7. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Goodness! I'll be designated driver. :D

    I'm Scots-Irish and Irish on the maternal side (among a lot of other things) and Scottish/English/Dutch on the paternal side. SO I tend to argue with myself a lot. ;)


  8. @LR1 - you say that like it's a bad thing!

  9. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Huh. I wonder where I was that I did not join in. I believe the ability to argue both sides is invaluable, if for not other reasons than to understand those on the other side and to test my own understanding. So bravo for your last essay. And thank you for your kind words.


  10. Anonymous9:46 PM

    AVI - it's when I argue with myself and lose that problems begin.


  11. Holy shit, has it really been 20 yrs!! Yea, I know, I don't usually use profanity here, but this is one of those times when it's fully warranted and deserved. What a fantastic testament to not only your doggedly stubborn diligence, but also to those who have continued their presence on this forum. (Hi, T99!) I salute you all and am ever grateful that your voices are still alive on these here inner tubes -- to use a favorite phrase of our old friend Watt. 0>;~}
    Congrats, Grim. I dread the day when this site is no longer --yes, I still mourn the lose of Cassandra's voice.
    Not to mention, I left a keg of beer in my corner.....
