The Evils of Coca-Cola

I'm not doing political posts by intention during the Christmas season, so look for those to resume not sooner than Monday. This one is more about corporate corruption, though it bleeds over into government corruption -- especially the manner in which the government refused to discuss obesity as a risk during the COVID massacre period, which doubtless cost lives and in poor, disadvantaged communities. 

We can hold fire on the rest of it until Monday. Hopefully the House Speakership won't be determined by then, or ever, so we can talk at length about it.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Christmas tide continues on to Candlemas.

    It’s a wonderful season during the darkest time of the year and boy, do we need it

    Here take a look


  2. So that’s another thing that is confusing. Christmas is a single day, also a 12 day feast, also a season, also an octave. This is exactly the kind of thing that could use clearer explanation.

  3. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Keep digging, find a Latin Mass community full of traditionalist, at the fish eaters site there are list and links to many fine old Catholic books and sites.... Sometimes I read something there and if I do not bookmark it it can be hard to find again

    Did you read the whole article? it gives clues


  4. "Christmas is a single day, also a 12 day feast, also a season, also an octave. This is exactly the kind of thing that could use clearer explanation."

    And about the birth of Christ Jesus- who is one facet of the Holy Trinity- 3 in 1. Maybe it actually does make sense just as it is.

  5. Oh, and I bet you'd find this interesting- Art Liturgical Calendar Poster

  6. That is a really cool graphic.

  7. Anonymous2:27 PM


    I’m not a Vatican II fan, in my opinion It has and is killing the church.
    See Dad29 blogpost which I find very convincing go to his web site and in the search bar type “Bugnini” Read the results…..

    If you do not have time for that, I would focus on one post, (Best of the Best)

    Let Dads Post speak for themselves…..

    onto the next

    The Best Way to understand “Christmas Tide” was explained in the Pre-Vatican II Saint Joseph Daily Missal, the one I have is from 1959. They are for sale all over the place on line cheap.

    There is a great diagram on page 33 showing the Liturgical year in my version

    Alas I can not find a version on line or I would link to it , all they have is post Vatican II Saint Joseph Daily Missals sorry about that

    However there is a Traditional Liturgical Calendar
    Following the Rubrics of Pope St. Pius X
    For the Universal Calendar (Roman Rite) of the Church and here is the link:

    The "Liturgical Calendar by Month" below is based on the most traditional form of the Roman Rite, before the Conciliar-Bugnini changes of 1950, 1956, 1960, and 1962. It is the one that corresponds to the fully traditional version of the Missale Romanum and the Breviarium Romanum in four volumes.

    Here is the Month of January 2023

    Here is the month of Feburary 2023

    Christmas tide (or the Christmas circle ) is from the beginning of Advent until Septuagesima Sunday.
    Septuagesima Sunday February 5, 2023 changes the Focus to Lent and Easter

    Time after Epiphany ( which includes Candlemas ) is part of Christmas tide.
    Candlemas ( The purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary) falls on Thursday February 2, the Thursday before Septuagisima this year

    Hope this clarifies
    sorry to be so long winded

