More winter traditions

The whooping cranes arrived several weeks ago. A friend just posted this picture on Facebook to show how truly huge they are. This picture was taken within a mile or two or us, I think, where they've been hanging out pretty consistently:

You can see that our local oaks are still looking a little beat up on top, but they're slowly recovering from the hurricane five years ago.


  1. Our deer are daily gamboling through the yard as they come by to feed up on apples from the old apple trees. Three of them are still young, young enough to want to play. I hope they eat enough that the winter is not too unkind to them.

  2. I had no idea the size of whooping cranes! Amazing.

  3. Admittedly our deer aren't that big. Still, the whoopers are huge. Sandhill cranes are really big, but even they look puny next to a whooper.

    Our deer population is enormous in the last few years. They seem to be well-fed, though.
