A Less-Cowboy Version

How about this one? I was sure we’d have chimney fires, and we may yet, but none happened today. Since we didn’t have any fires to fight, and also no power, I drug Dad’s old generator outside into the -20 windchill and got it working. It hadn’t been started in a year so it had multiple problems, but it’s running fine now. Fortunately we don’t need it because the power company got our lights back on before dark. 

This is a less elaborate version of a major element of Christmas dinner that I ended up making today instead. That was because of the need to adapt to no power earlier today. I’ll have to figure out something else for Christmas. 

God sent the storm. I don’t imagine he’ll mind my altering my plans so they better fit with his own. 


  1. We have a gas range. So even if the power went out, we could still cook our Christmas dinner, a standing rib roast, mashed taters and roasted brussel sprouts.

  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Yesterday I too lost power for 3 hours

    On the first floor I fired up the fire place with BIG oak logs!

    In the Basement I filled the wood stove with more Oak, well seasoned.
    Then I Broke out the kerosene lamps and candles and flashlights

    I was ready with a a can of propane and mister heater in reserve

    Outside it was 5 below with wind gust up to 50 mph which gave a wind chill of 35 below...

    I only lost 12 degrees inside the house over the three hours and was very grateful the electric came on in just three hours.

    According to the local Electric company only 69 customer lost power with this outage.

    Merry Christmas to all & stay warm


  3. That ham and braided roll looks scrumptious.
