More Songs of Dying on the Highway

I just posted that song by the Barnyard Stompers because it's my favorite one that they do, but as I was reflecting on it today I realized that 'death on the highway' is a pretty significant theme for touring Texas bands. I guess if you are a band that makes its living on the road, and your roads happen to be in Texas, you spend an awful lot of time on those highways. Enough time, manifestly, for existential angst to set in.

Here's one by Bob Wayne, who is one of my favorites working today.

It'll probably be Sunday when most of you see this, so you might want to pass over that one until Monday or next weekend. 

Here's one that goes with the last post, because half of it's about dying on the road and the other half is about college sports teams.

There are doubtless more. If you have a favorite, add it in the comments.

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