A Humorous Interlude

A bit behind ...


  1. Baxter Black is probably the more famous of the two, though he takes a back seat. There are some great things that have come out of that Elko gathering, although the poetry is generally simple.

  2. This is old now, but you might start here.

    Elko! A Cowboys Gathering https://a.co/0vPwgLV

  3. Or you might just go. You’re a lot closer to Nevada than I am. They don’t have firm dates yet, but they’re trying.


  4. The turkey drop is the single best comic moment in TV history, as far as I am concerned.

  5. Thanks, Grim. Still a bit of a drive, but it'd be fun.

    AVI, I might have to think whether it's the "single best" or not ... but it's definitely a masterpiece.

  6. Watching that vegetarian cowboy poet, I became convinced it was a very young, slender Robin Williams. Maybe not, though. I can't find anything about Williams's using Baxter Black as a stage persona.

  7. I’m sad to see that Baxter Black died earlier this year. I was hoping to link newer material, but what I found instead was memorial posts.
