Relaxing Neighbors

The mother was just out of frame. These little fellows are here most evenings. The sign you can barely make out behind them reads, “NO HUNTING,” which may partly explain their comfort on my land. I have enforced that rule since moving here. Even the wildlife may have picked up on it. 


  1. I think they pick up on it eventually. When we stayed overnight in Mammoth Cave National Park, there were deer out walking around among the cottages not far from the people and not paying much attention to them. It is an area well inside the park, however, so it may be a few generations of deer who have not learned that man is a predator.

  2. In Southern Illinois I was told that deer generally roamed during the day, but after the first day of hunting season came out at night instead.

  3. We have deer around the house almost every day. A group of bucks (before they remembered they're rivals); groups of does; one doe with a fawn so new it still has its spots. We don't allow hunting either, nor does my brother to the south of us nor my cousins to the north. So that's 70 no-hunt acres with a lot of woods and water.
