Men of the North

Thomas Doubting happened across a Scottish Highland Games somewhere or other -- he'll have to tell you the story -- and sent me some photos. As is well known, the Viking heritage in Scotland is very strong, and numerous clans either were founded by Vikings (like Clan Gunn, descended from the Norse Jarls of Orkney) or became interlaced with them (like Clan MacDonald, "the Lords of the Isles" for generations).


  1. This was an experimental archeology group from a local uni that works to figure out Viking crafts and skills.

    I really should have gotten a pic of the weaving as well. It was impressive.

  2. As a Norwegian, I've always felt an odd affinity for the Scots. I attended a highland games event some years back, where the announcer said the caber toss was originally a Viking game. Also, haggis seems to have come from the Norse.

  3. Huh. That's interesting. I wouldn't have guessed haggis was Norse, but the caber toss maybe doesn't surprise me.
