Fall Festival Season

Being a very lucky man, I have two unplanned calendar benefits in my life that keep me from missing important anniversaries. First, my birthday occurs immediately before my wife's, so that even if I happen to forget about both of them completely I am reminded right before my having forgotten could become a problem. Second, our anniversary happens to coincide exactly with our son's birthday and, on many years, Father's Day. That gives us two family festivals, one in October and one in June, in addition to the high festivals such as Christmas.

Usually the fall festival includes a trip to the Stone Mountain Highland Games, but this year we are not able to make the trip. Things should be beautiful up here as well, though, so it should be all right.

These aren't such high holidays that I get off of work for them -- I had five hours of meetings today, for example -- but they do provide a moment of joy.


  1. My youngest daughter's birthday is sometimes on Father's Day, also.

  2. Oh, and I can remember our anniversary because we got married exactly a year to the day, after I broke my hip at work.

  3. An older brother was my mother's birthday present. And just a couple days after Labor Day.

    Eric Hines

  4. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Somehow, the Red family ended up with five birthdays between January 28 and February 14. Another person has a birthday on Canada Day. Anniversaries are a bit more scattershot.


  5. Wow Red that's quite the string of birthdays! I thought that my two brothers and I had our birthdays within a seven day period in December was something. Dad was a CPA, you can do the math.

    Happy October Family festival, Grim, to you and all yours. Celebrations of family are a wonderful thing.
