A Lonely Life

The [University of Georgia's] comparative literature, English, history, religion and sociology departments do not have any Republicans teaching their students. The classics, geography and philosophy departments each have one Republican professor...

Actually I know that guy, and he isn't lonely:  he is one of the few -- only? -- professors in that department to have a complete and flourishing family life, a religious community, as well as many professional friends and relationships. He is universally beloved even eventually by his students, to whom he is a terrifying master during doctoral research. 

Artist's Representation of UGA's Sole Republican Philosopher


  1. How many conservatives does the business school have?

  2. I think that's the only way - to enjoy life more than the others.

    A friend who worked at four separate colleges was surprised, stunned really, at my offhand mention that Christians were not especially welcomed in academia. She had never heard that before (she is an atheist). I asked her to think about it. My prediction is she will come back at our next lunch in two weeks and say she doesn't think it's true that there is a prejudice. I will then ask her to see what her friends at those colleges who are Christians think - and she will know few or none.

    Fish don't notice water.

  3. "How many conservatives does the business school have?"

    There's a time when the answer would have been "many, perhaps most", but that time may have passed. I suspect they are chock full of little Krugmans now.

  4. The numbers have a *lot* of "unknowns".
    Grim, since you apparently have inside knowledge of UGA's Philosophy Department, do you have any sense of where they might actually fall on the political spectrum?
    That would help in interpreting the data more usefully.

  5. Yeah, he's attached to the conservative but not Trumpist side of the party, not quite establishment but not so far away that he's given to rocking the boat.

  6. Well, even if his politics aren't always impeccable by my standards, he does seem to have a full and enviable life.

  7. I was actually more curious about the "Unknowns", of which there more than any other category. Makes interpreting the data on it's own a little difficult.
