
Japan is having a strange problem with its monkeys. For some reason this kind of thing doesn't happen in the USA; I assume the reason is related to the fact that they've had to hire specialists with tranquilizer guns to address the matter. This is the sort of job Americans would handle themselves. 


  1. Perhaps. A friend with a lake-front home was pestered with Canada geese. One night, annoyed too far, he stepped onto his porch in the darkness and laid about him with a fire poker, resolving to clean up the mess in the morning before a nosy neighbor spotted the carnage. Fortunately for him some four-legged assistants had disposed of all but some feathers in the morning.

    On the other hand, while ravens were a pest to picnickers at Yellowstone, even a tennis racket would probably have clobbered somebody's kid as well as the bird, and rangers and animal lovers were omnipresent.

  2. So they'll be swatted... nevermore.

  3. Well, there is a good reason people in the city are having this problem. In rural areas of Japan, I've been told, farmers are allowed to keep shotguns for pest control.

    Of course, maybe the monkeys are a protected species or something. I have no idea about that.
