Since We're Doing "Stupid" Today

Here's someone else who has no idea how the world works.
Now that Rep. Liz Cheney has lost her primary to a Trumpist Republican in Wyoming, it’s time for President Biden to consider appointing her to his cabinet. Political tensions have risen to new levels since the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Aug. 8 search of Mar-a-Lago. Bringing a Republican into the administration would cool partisan temperatures and unite the country in support of the rule of law.

There can't be anyone outside the NYC/DC corridor who thinks this would plausibly 'cool partisan temperatures.' 


  1. Yeah, whatever her actual motivations and sincerity are, the appearances are absolutely going to be "this is a reward for attacking Trump."

    If he thought she might actually be a good cabinet member and wanted to cool temperatures, the time to offer her a position would have been late 2020. Not that that always works either. You may remember that Obama offered Judd Gregg, Senator from NH, not a fire-breather and a very decent man, a cabinet position when he started out. Gregg accepted the olive branch and accepted, but within two weeks was basically saying "You want me to do WHAT!!?? This is not actually a legit deal. Forget it."

    Obama, of course, was much more skilled in disguising his dishonesty.

  2. I was going to say, "Sure there are. The same people who think Jen Rubin writes conservative opinions."

    But then I noticed your qualifier "outside the NYC/DC corridor", and realized that those two categories are pretty much the same people.

  3. They aren't stupid enough to fall for the plea for bipartisanship to let one of 'them' into their actual inner circle of power, unlike some other people.
