Riding in the Rain


  1. The overlook at Richland Balsam on the Parkway?

  2. No, this is the overlook on US 64 between Murphy and Franklin.

  3. I had occasion to ride out to Murphy today to see an old friend who was passing through. There were some pretty big storms this afternoon; this is as they were breaking up among the ridges there. I went out through the Nantahala Gorge, but came back that way.

  4. It's fun to ride in a nice clean rain, heavy enough to wash the visor, on a road with no traffic.

    1. You’re right. It was really pretty enjoyable, and the rain kept the traffic to a minimum. Foolishly, since some of the most amazing views in the mountains occur with the rain.

  5. raven9:24 PM

    Yes. Years ago I got some great images of the Matterhorn with a thunderstorm moving in. Looked like a set from LOTR.
    The wildness of weather is largely lost, or at least not immediate, riding in an enclosed vehicle.
