Preserving Five Viking Ships

Private foundations have pledged enough to preserve the five ships at Roskilde. 


  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    That's wonderful. My parents got to see the museum and said that it was a great museum, very well done.


  2. You can never have enough Viking ships. In Oslo, they're rebuilding the Viking Ship Museum, which means they won't be on display for a few years, but the new set-up ought to improve accessibility and preserve them better.

  3. I got to thinking about vikings today, after swinging an axe for the last three,splitting maple. Historians say the axe was the weapon of the average viking, and the sword was for the well off. That may be, but there is nothing like the familiarity that comes from having a tool in ones hand for most of their life. I suspect it was favored for that reason also.
