Greetings, Fellow Extremists

I have both the Gadsden Flag and the Betsy Ross flag hanging in my basement, along with a collection of other Revolutionary War flags. 

As I was saying at D29's place yesterday, it's really striking that they have added the ANCAP flag to this list of 'militant violent extremists.' "[ANCAPs] believe in the Nonaggression Principle. It’s a core value of the movement. The only way they’re a threat of violence is if you are the aggressor." 


  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    "[ANCAPs] believe in the Nonaggression Principle. It’s a core value of the movement. The only way they’re a threat of violence is if you are the aggressor."

    Maybe the Feeb is signaling ... Or maybe they just don't know squat.

  2. IRS has 5 million rounds stockpiled. How're YOU doing?

  3. That’s classified information.

  4. Within broad limits, too, it's not the amount of ammunition, it's the efficiency of use that tells the tale.

    Eric Hines

  5. Anonymous5:04 PM

    So, most history and government teachers who have flags in our classrooms are dangerous extremists. Good to know. *rolls eyes* Next they'll say that anyone with a glue gun or cookie gun (for making spritz cookies) is a 2nd amendment radical.


  6. Next they'll say that anyone with a glue gun or cookie gun (for making spritz cookies) is a 2nd amendment radical.

    Woke "teachers" have long been punishing grade schoolers for making pistols out of their index fingers and thumbs, for cutting out paper pistols, for chewing cookies into pistol shapes, for....

    Eric Hines

  7. This is one of the huge flaws of our public education systems: they train us from childhood to submit to that kind of petty tyranny from state agents. Aristotle points out that an education’s purpose is to form the youth being educated into the right kind of citizens for their society. Thus, an aristocratic system need to educate its youth differently from a democracy. Our system educated youth to for dominance by a paternalistic class of experts that demands the right to do anything whatsoever as long as it’s ‘for your own good’ in the opinion of the expert class.

    That isn’t the kind of society we were meant to be, but it is perforce what we are becoming.

  8. Our system educated youth to for dominance by a paternalistic class of experts....

    I'm reading Betsy DeVos' Hostages No More about her efforts to improve our nation's education system. She describes a remarkable collection of, shall we say, non-traditional school systems ranging from home schooling pods to charters to private non- and for-profit schools, even some in some public school systems.

    The biggest problem she describes is less Horace Mann's cookie cutter system of education (his positive claim to fame was his push for universal education) and more the teachers unions, which are about union power and not about educating kids, and the unions' allies (if not actual friends) the Elites of the Left, the experts to whom you refer.

    Eric Hines

  9. You'd think the Liberty Tree quote included would give a hint to the people working this unit that these people are about liberty, not revolution per se.

