What a Jerk

I guess the Killer was kind of a jerk too, though. Maybe it goes with playing piano like an ace.


  1. She actually did a nice job of adapting to the increased tempo of the boogie woogie versions, I thought.

    Bach adapts amazingly well to boogie woogie. Perhaps it's the relentless underlying structure, which allows the variations to stand out- much like baroque music- that ties it all together.

  2. Kinda like watching Paul Newman play the hustler.

  3. The reason that (some of) Bach works well as boogie-woogie is that (some of) Bach is not melodious and neither is B-W.

  4. I also had the feeling that he was being a jerk. I get it that it's fun to play with people's heads a bit. But here is an analogy. I though the early Kyrie Irving "Uncle Drew" video was marvelous, of him getting a makeup artist to make him look like an old man, hanging around on a playground court, eventually coming in and gradually revealing that he is in fact better than all the young bucks there. I think older people may have liked it because of the myth he was enacting.

    Now that we've watched Kyrie ruin a few teams, we aren't so amused.

    Something similar happening here. It's an older guy, showing up a cute young woman. People who like boogie-woogie and feel it gets slighted probably also give this a nod because he vindicates it. Yet I think my first impression was the correct one: he's just an asshole who plays piano well, and chose a target with strong sexual symbolism.

    She, OTOH, who supposedly lost this competition she didn't ask for, would be welcome in my family anytime.
