The President Reportedly has Cancer and COVID-19

Oddly neither of these reports may turn out to be very important, though they come from unimpeachable sources: the man himself, and the White House. The latter report is allegedly of a 'very mild' illness, which seems to be ordinary for the newer variant even in elderly men like himself, and the former one is probably just another sign of his mental decline rather than an actual cancer.


  1. Ed Driscoll at Instapundit shared a tweet from TownHall of Biden claiming in April to have asthma for the same reason which appears to be another Biden claim that no one has heard before and can not be substantiated.

    John Hinderaker at PowerLine discusses the absurdity of the claim that he has any health issues due to growing up near a refinery.

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    To be honest, I'd be a little surprised if someone who grew up near the seacoast and who did outdoor activities as a young man DIDN'T have a skin cancer at some point. Catch it early, and the most common forms are something to be aware of but that doesn't require chemotherapy or radiation. Other kinds of cancer could be more serious, but if it was a small skin cancer spot that was found early? I'd be far more concerned about the secondary effects of his cognitive decline and what else might be with it.

